The Skating Yogi


The Skating Yogi helps figure skaters experiencing confusion, frustration, and overwhelm with their training process by guiding them through the 8 limbs of yoga so they learn to train smarter, skate better, and have a more joyful experience.     


Yogi, figure skating coach, traveler, adjunct professor, lover of Spanish language and culture, almost vegan, self-improvement nerd, and bookworm.

I have earned two Master ratings from the Professional Skaters Association, coached skaters in various disciplines at the regional and national levels, led multiple students to US Figure Skating gold medals in three different skating disciplines, and have directed successful shows and learn to skate programs on two continents. I gave my all to be the best coach I could be, but no level of success could fully protect me from the damage caused by years of comparisons and toxic relationships that I struggled to overcome. I hadn't learned the skills yet to heal, move forward, and connect to my true self.

It wasn't until I began a consistent yoga practice that I began to heal and feel comfortable in my own skin. Connecting with my breath and slowing down to be present on the mat was the greatest, most powerful transformation I had ever experienced. Eventually, I decided I had to share the power of yoga with the skating community. 

I take over four decades of athletic experience and over two decades of teaching, coaching, directing, programming and life experience to help skating people find peace on the mat, on the ice, and within themselves.

Following the framework of Patanjali's 8 limbs of yoga and my unique application of the 8 limbs to the skating journey, I help skating folks of all ages learn to train smarter, skate better, and enjoy the process.

The Skating Yogi offers space and support to help you, through the 8 limbs of yoga, release harmful conditioned beliefs and habits to let a new path unfold, leading you to true connection and contentment.  Ditch the comparisons and begin to connect with your true self and to a new kind of skating journey.